Sep 12, 2021
Who Do You Say That I Am 9.12.21
Posted by Matt Trombley
Series: Harmony of the Gospels
Matthew 16:13-23; Mark 8:27-9:1; Luke 9:18-27
Peter’s eyes were opened by God to see that Jesus is the Son of God.
He was given the keys to open the door for all to believe.
Understanding Peter's role in the history of the church.
- Sep 12, 2021Who Do You Say That I Am 9.12.21
Sep 12, 2021Who Do You Say That I Am 9.12.21Posted by Matt TrombleySeries: Harmony of the GospelsMatthew 16:13-23; Mark 8:27-9:1; Luke 9:18-27Peter’s eyes were opened by God to see that Jesus is the Son of God.He was given the keys to open the door for all to believe.Understanding Peter's role in the history of the church.
- Sep 5, 2021False Teachers
Sep 5, 2021False TeachersPosted by Matt TrombleySeries: Harmony of the Gospels"Matthew 16:1-12; Mark 8:11-21When you rightly handle the truth, examine the Scriptures (Be a Berean), you will easily spot the false teachers in the world today (Prosperity, NAR, etc.)
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Aug 29, 2021TraditionsPosted by Matt TrombleySeries: Harmony of the Gospels"Matthew 15:1-20; Mark 7:1-23; Luke 11:37-54Traditions don’t make you right with God.What comes out of your heart makes you right.
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Aug 22, 2021Bread of LifePosted by Matt TrombleySeries: Harmony of the GospelsJohn 6:22-71Two kinds of "believers".Ones that believe God will only bless them and so they seek free bread.Others that believe God will test them and trust Him to be the bread of life.
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Aug 8, 2021Walking on WaterPosted by Matt TrombleySeries: Harmony of the Gospels"Matthew 14:22-33Jesus walked on water to fulfill the prophecy of Isaiah 43:16, "Thus says the Lord who makes a way in the sea, a path in the mighty waters.
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Aug 1, 2021What’s Your Impossible?Posted by Matt TrombleySeries: Harmony of the GospelsJohn 6:1-15Jesus tested the disciples' faith with an impossible problem.How to feed 5,000 men with just 5 loaves and 2 fish?
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Jul 25, 2021The Mission FieldPosted by Matt TrombleySeries: Harmony of the GospelsMatthew 10Joining the mission field is as easy as PIEPray, Identify and EngageIt's a win, win, win.God is glorified, you earn a heavenly reward and people are saved.
- Jun 27, 2021The Dynamis of Jesus
Jun 27, 2021The Dynamis of JesusPosted by Matt TrombleySeries: Harmony of the GospelsMark 4:35-5:43; Luke 8:22-56; Matthew 8:23-34Experience the power of Jesus in your life.
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Jun 20, 2021Heart ConditionPosted by Matt TrombleySeries: Harmony of the GospelsMatthew 13Sermon by the SeaParable of the Sower and the SeedDo you know the condition of your heart?
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Jun 13, 2021Jesus and ControversyPosted by Matt TrombleySeries: Harmony of the GospelsMatthew 12Jesus teaches us how to handle controversy.